This report provides an in-depth analysis of the average monthly weather data collected from sensors installed in Bansalan, Davao del Sur, as well as soil condition data obtained from soil sensors. The report aims to relate the observed weather patterns and soil conditions to the optimal climatic and soil requirements for coffee cultivation, as part of the Coffee-based Farming and Entrepreneurship Engagement (COFFEE) Program of Varacco.

Weather Data Overview

The weather data covers a twelve-month period from June 2023 to April 2024, encompassing
parameters such as temperature (°C), relative humidity (%), total radiation (W/m²), rainfall intensity (m/hr), total rainfall (m), and wind speed (m/s). These parameters are crucial for understanding the climatic conditions affecting coffee cultivation.

Temperature and Humidity:

The average monthly temperature, as shown in Figure 1, ranged from approximately 15.80°C to 26.67°C. These temperatures fall within the optimal range for coffee cultivation, which typically ranges from 18°C to 24°C. Similarly, relative humidity (Figure 2), ranging from approximately 51.41% to 95.7%, aligns well with the desired humidity level of 60% to 70% for coffee plants.

Bansalan Climate Temperature
Bansalan Climate Relative Humidty

Radiation and Rainfall:

Total radiation (Figure 3) varied between 472.55 W/m² and 655.09 W/m², providing ample solar energy for photosynthesis and plant growth. While coffee plants require adequate rainfall, the absence of monitoring tool for rainfall during the monitored period is crucial for decision support for smart irrigation systems to maintain soil moisture levels within the optimal range of 1000 mm to 2000 mm annually.

Bansalan Climate Total Radiation

Wind Speed:​

The wind speed (Figure 4) ranged from 2.67 m/s to 4.58 m/s, with lower values observed during the dry months. This suggests moderate wind conditions, which could influence pollination and pest control in coffee plantations.

Bansalan Climate Wind Speed

Implications for Coffee Cultivation

The favorable temperatures, humidity levels, and radiation observed in Bansalan, Davao del Sur create conducive conditions for coffee cultivation. However, there is a need to implement rainfall monitoring sensors to highlight the importance of smart irrigation and water management practices to sustain plant health and yield.

Building upon the insights derived from the weather data, the following recommendations will be conducted by Varacco:

  1. Continuous monitoring of weather patterns to anticipate climatic variations and adjust farming practices accordingly.
  2. Integration of climate-resilient coffee varieties that exhibit tolerance to fluctuating environmental conditions.