COFFEE Program


Welcome to Thinnkfarm’s Coffee-based Farming and Entrepreneurship Engagement (COFFEE) Program!


This innovative program, developed in partnership with Varacco Inc., consists of a range of projects that establish the use of Internet-of-Things (IoT) technologies across the value chain. By leveraging IoT solutions, the COFFEE program intends to assist coffee farmers in optimizing their yields, reducing waste, and improving the quality of their crops by including sensors, data analytics, and automation in their operations. Through the COFFEE program, Thinnkfarm equips coffee producers with the tools they need to create a sustainable and profitable enterprises, as well as contributing to the growth of a more dynamic and equitable coffee industry.

Why Internet-of-Things (IoT)?

Given the constantly changing climatic conditions and COVID-19 pandemic that have an impact on coffee farming and trading, cutting-edge technology like IoT is a big help in improving the farming system and productivity.


It is a set of web-enabled smart sensors that gather, transmit, and act on environmental data, enabling users to monitor and perform data-driven agricultural practices. Not only will this increase productivity, but will also result in less human labor, better resource and asset utilization, and reduced production waste.

Projects under COFFEE program


Our nursery utilizes cutting-edge IoT sensors to monitor a variety of factors in real-time, including soil moisture, soil NPK levels, soil pH, ambient temperature, and ambient humidity. Our technology leverages this data to automate processes that guarantee the coffee plants are given the best possible conditions for growth and development. Automation includes irrigation, nutrient management, and environmental control systems.


It is designed to be efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly as it reduces the amount of resources like water and fertilizers to be wasted. Our main objective is to produce high quality seedlings while simultaneously advancing sustainable agricultural practices.


If you share our love of innovation and sustainability, help make this happen. Contact us, and let’s work together to revolutionize the coffee industry.


We are improving the way coffee farmers approach their farming operations through integrating advanced technologies that would optimize their production and harvest yields. Our system deploys all-weather stations, soil moisture, soil NPK sensors, soil pH sensors, and soil conductivity sensors to gather data on the condition of coffee trees in real-time. Following analysis, strategic intervention for crop protection, fertilization, and irrigation are provided. These tools then allow coffee farmers to ensure that their coffee trees will receive what they require to thrive and flourish, resulting to a healthier crop and an abundant harvest.


But we can only do so much. Share our passion for sustainable high-quality coffee farming and join us in this venture. By working together, we can improve the future of our coffee farmers, one cup at a time.


To learn more about this project, click here.


Our post-harvest facility is engineered with advanced technology to ensure every part of the coffee post-harvest operations is optimized for quality and efficiency.


It includes pH and water temperature sensors, which help to maintain the optimal conditions for coffee fermentation. Regardless of the weather outside, the IoT-based all-weather dryer makes sure that coffee beans dry quickly and evenly. Our coffee bean moisture sensors will also secure that the beans are dried to the ideal moisture level. Sensors for ambient temperature and humidity will make certain that the space is always suitable for storing coffee. Furthermore, our IoT-operated roasting machine guarantees that every batch of coffee is consistently and properly roasted.


From coffee farmers to coffee lovers, join our initiative and let’s collaborate in redefining the future of coffee. Contact us today!