
Introducing MakilingTek, a spin-off company founded by a team of experts and scientist from the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), which offers agricultural biosensors from root to tip to guarantee crops will grow healthier, stronger, and more efficiently than ever.

Makiling Tek


And now, through a partnership with Thinnkfarm, farmers can benefit from these rare-packaged solutions to practice sustainable agriculture in ways that boost crop yields while also being favorable to the environment.



To learn more and to try these revolutionary bioproducts, contact us today!

MakilingTek Flagship Products



It contains naturally derived plant growth regulators (auxin, gibberellins, and cytokinins) that helps speed up leaf, stem, and root growth, and boost plant health. It is applicable to any crop and ornamentals.



It is made up of slow-release formulations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). This nano fertilizer is more efficient and effective as it reaches to plant parts just in time or at a stage of growth where plants most require them. It therefore improves growth and development, yield, and nutrient uptake. Can be applied in rice, corn, vegetables, sugarcane, coffee, cacao, banana and other crops.