ThinnkEDUC Program


Are you exploring a career in agriculture, fisheries, or agribusiness? Thinnkfarm will launch a TESDA-accredited learning center, through its ThinnkEDUC Program, that will provide a selection of courses to assist you get off to a solid foundation.


ThinnkEDUC aims to produce skilled and competent graduates who can work in farms and agribusinesses, create productive community enterprise organizations, and stimulate sustainable agriculture. It will cover a broad spectrum of the fundamental knowledge, skills, and techniques necessary to succeed in the fields of Agriculture Crops Production (NCI to NC III), Animal Swine Production (NC II), Fish Capture (NC I), and Food Processing. 


With TESDA accreditation, each student will be mentored by trusted experts in their chosen course, who will give them a well-rounded learning experience through hands-on training and theoretical understanding, and exposure to the most recent advancements.


This exemplifies Thinnkfarm’s dedication to strengthen the program of its partners, like TESDA, and to support its overall agenda, such as job generation, knowledge sharing, and global competitiveness.


So, stay tuned for the official announcement and be the first to enroll in these exciting courses!